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Light of the World (LOTW)

Light of the World Evangelization Ministry provides an incredible opportunity to experience the Living God through attending a weekend retreat. These engaging and vibrant weekend retreats are offered twice per year.  After the retreat experience, we work with those who desire ongoing growth and discipleship by providing opportunities for involvement in ongoing Small Faith Communities.


People of all faiths, including those who claim no faith, are welcome to live the LOTW Retreat and experience a personal encounter with Jesus.  He will meet you right where you are in your journey.  The Holy Spirit will surprise you on this retreat and in the months after your retreat.
Come and see what God has in store for you.


Get away this fall and feel the warmth of the SON-shine.  

Attend the Light of the World Retreat and encounter the living God. 


The next LOTW RETREAT is


at the St. Mary Campus

901 N Center St

Plano, IL 60545


Questions?  Contact

Retreat Director

Cheri Hill


What is the LOTW RETREAT like?
The retreat weekend is held in an inviting and comfortable environment.   The good news of the Gospel message is presented by fellow parish members who give witness to God and His love and action in their own lives.  There are quiet times of reflection, lively music, small groups, sacramental renewal, and great fellowship.

Already been on a LOTW Retreat? 
We have Small Faith Communities that meet on various evenings or Wednesday mornings.  If you want to check out an existing Small Faith Community or create a new one, please contact: 
LOTW Small Faith Community Coordinators
Karen Wade: or



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