St. Mary Parish
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet
Our mission Statement:
To be led and to lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mass Schedule
Sun: 8:00am | 10:00am |
12 Noon (Spanish)
Mon-Sat: 8:00am
Vigil, Saturday: 4:00pm

Congratulations on your precious gift of God! It is truly wonderful that you wish to share your faith with your child, for Jesus said: “Let the children come to me.” This gift of faith is one of the most important gifts that you can give to your child.
It has been the constant practice of the Roman Catholic Church from the earliest times to administer the sacrament of Baptism to infants. Parents very naturally want to pass along their own faith to their child and their values that flow from that faith. Baptism marks the beginning of this faith life.
At Baptism, the parents and sponsors along with the whole Christian community take upon themselves the responsibility to make the Church and the world a place that will offer the newly baptized the love and support needed to grow to full Christian adulthood.
If you would like to have your child baptized at St. Mary’s, relevant documents must be gathered, (please follow the links below and print the forms) certificates for eligible Sponsors must be obtained, and you must meet with and be prepared by our Baptism team of St. Mary Parish.
To arrange for a Baptism and begin the Baptismal preparation process, please contact Deacon Eduardo in the Parish Office at 630-552-3448 or e-mail at
We look forward to helping you prepare for the Baptism of your child.
Steps to Prepare
We ask that you begin Baptism preparation prior to the birth of your child, if possible. All Godparents are welcome and encouraged to attend the preparation, if they are in the local area.
Parents are asked to be or to become active parishioners in advance of the baptism.
Contact Deacon Eduardo Murillo at 630-552-3448 or in the Parish Office to sign up to attend a Baptismal Preparation Course.
Within the next few weeks, start gathering the necessary documentation needed for your child and Godparents. A list can be found below.
All completed documentation will be turned in to the Parish Office. Upon completion of the Baptismal Preparation Course the date for your child’s baptism will be set.
Please do not make flight plans for Godparents of family prior to having all paperwork complete.

The Baptism will be recorded in the permanent records of the parish from the information you provide. Therefore, please be sure of the accuracy of information and the spelling of names.
Baptismal Registration form - fully complete all information before handing in.
Sponsor Form / Letter - one for each Godparent, from the parish where they are registered, stating that they are qualified to be a Godparent, with Pastor signature and Parish seal on form /Letter.
Official Birth Certificate - please provide a copy for your child’s baptism file.
Copy of Adoption Papers - if your child has been adopted, Baptism may not take place until their adoption has become final.
Godparents should be prayerfully selected who visibly practice their Catholic Faith, and attend Church on a regular basis, and give strong Christian witness, be at least 16 years old, and have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation and if married, they must be married in the Catholic Church or have their marriage witnessed by a Catholic priest or deacon. They cannot be the parents of the child.
One Catholic Godparent is all that is required, but if you chose, two, one must be male and the other female. Or, a baptized person who actively practicing their Christian faith may be a sponsor in the role of “Christian Witness,” but only in company with a practicing Catholic.
Instrucciones para ver los Videos de "Renacer" para aprender más sobre el Bautismo
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Bajo "Find your parish or organization" escriba el código postal de Plano: 60545
Elija St Mary y haga click en "next"
Escriba su nombre y apellido y correo eléctronico en donde se le indica e inmediatamente haga click en "sign up"
Una vez que entre a la página de Formed, localice "Español" en el menú principal. Haga click en "programas"
Localice y elija "Renacer"
Una vez que haga click en "Renacer" tendrá acceso a los 3 videos.